Thursday, March 5, 2020

Use The Summer Wisely Build Academic Skills With These Simple Ideas

Use The Summer Wisely Build Academic Skills With These Simple Ideas Use Summer Vacation to Boost Your Child's Academic Skills! The upcoming school year is just around the corner and it isn't too late to discover ways that academic summer programs can help your child. The lazy days of summer are a perfect time for you to reflect on the past school year, your child's performance and behavior, and ways that you can help reduce frustration with both school and homework. If you believe that your child is struggling and needs help with academic skills there are certain questions you may be asking yourself, such as: What do teachers think of my child's schoolperformance? Perhaps teachers have told youthat your child is a class clown, a day dreamer, or acts out when theacademic material becomes too difficult. You may have had conversationswith teachers about retention, a study team evaluation, or additionalacademic interventions. Are there observable signs of struggle when my child iscompleting homework? Ifcompleting homework is an ongoing struggle for your child you may belocked in a constant cycle of frustration or refusal. Your child may beindicating the homework is too hard if it takes too long, completion is abattle, or there is constant refusal or avoidance. Does my child's schoolwork seem too hard? You may have noticed that your child isn't able to readthe textbook and classroom materials, gives up easily, receives gradesthat don't reflect effort, is disorganized and lacks strong studyhabits, or seems to struggle with time management. Each of these isan indicator that the academic content is too difficult. What impact are the academic struggles having on mychild's behavior? Whena child is struggling academically the frustration and lack ofunderstanding often manifests itself in behavior issues. If your child isangry, withdrawn, unruly, or disrespectful these may be signs that theacademic work is simply too difficult and frustration has set in. If you are concerned about your child the professionals at Huntington Learning Centers are available to help. We are committed to creating academic summer programs that help struggling learners better prepare for future learning. Don't let the next couple of months slip by when your child could be working side by side with a professional tutor who is committed to helping meet your child's needs.Our approach is unique and completely child-centered. We will work with you to boost academic skills and better prepare your child for the upcoming school year. Academic Evaluation Westart by determining your child's specific needs. We use a variety ofassessments based on your child's age, developmental ability, and yourspecific concerns. Your child's behavior and response to the assessmentsare also observed and measured. Data analysis Theresults from the academic evaluation are analyzed and your child'sstrengths and weaknesses are identified. These assessment results form thebaseline for your child's ongoing growth. Parent conference Oncewe have determined your child's areas of strength and weakness we meetwith you to fully develop a tutoring plan. This conference is focused onour observations, conclusions, and recommendations and the ways thatHuntington Learning Centers can help. It is an opportunity for you tolearn more about your child and to ask questions about how our tutoringapproach will help reduce frustration, increase academic understanding,and better prepare your child for future learning. Personalizedtutoring sessions Once the parent conference is complete and your child's specific learning plan is created, the real work begins. The tutoring sessions are focused on your child's specific needs and utilize instructional methods that arecentered on your child's areas of identified growth. Ongoing feedback Wepride ourselves on maintaining close contact with parents and work to keepyou updated and informed. Results from ongoing assessments, observationsfrom tutoring sessions, and changes to the learning plan are communicatedto you in a timely fashion. We will make sure you understand your child'ssuccesses and the areas of ongoing need. School communication Withyour permission we will be in contact with your child's school once thefall term begins. Our tutors will share information with your child'steachers and will shape tutoring sessions to meet the school's academiccurriculum. Are you concerned about your child's academic abilities? What difference could academic summer programs make in your child's learning?

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